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Natural Activity Circuit

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This primary school concept is designed for encouraging young students to be physically active in a fun and natural environment within school grounds. It is used during school lunch and recess, as well as assisting “Before and After School” carers by keeping kids in care, healthy and moving.

The shape of each circuit is installed to match the available space for each school. There are two circuit sizes available – small and standard, and a few optional extras to further enhance activities.

Natural Activity Circuit can transform unused or blank spaces into a loveable and active area to keep kids fit and engaged.

We encourage school garden clubs or P & C’s to plant native grasses to beautify the circuits.

Our standard Natural Activity Circuit consists of but not limited to:
• Timber Bridges and Balance Beams
• Rubber Balance Logs
• Rubber Domes
• Rubber Animals
• Sandstone Stepping Stones

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